Take a look at this article that talks about how to pay for that next family vacation. Basically, the article states that you should plan ahead a bit. If the vacation is important to you, then why not make it a priority all year long to put aside a bit of money. He also talks about potential ways to save on other things to make it easier to afford. I think my favorite quote in the article is:
“When you think of the person who goes to Disneyland and spends $500 and puts it on the credit card and their interest rate is 15 percent (debt). … The person that puts it in the credit union is getting 4 percent (gain),†Casey said. “The difference is close to 20 percent.â€
If you pay cash for your vacation (or anything else for that matter) you could be getting near a 22% discount over the person who finances their trip on a credit card. (18% rate on the credit card and a positive 4% if you save the money in a savings account ahead of time)
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Frugal Momma says
We are going to Disney next year but it will be paid in all cash. I am putting aside a few hundreds dollars each month for the trip. It will probably be our only family trip to Disney so I want to to do it right.