Okay, I need to come clean. I want a star next to my blog link on http://www.pfblogs.org.
But, now that I’ve disclosed that there is something in this for me, I do need to tell you a little story about reading PF blogs. You see, I’ve been a little irrational about how I look for blogs to read. I tend to wander aimlessly around the PF world. (At least I used to). You could find me lurking on the PhatInvestor site, watching for updated blogs and I’ve even tried my hand at using a feedreader. For some reason, that’s never really warmed me up.
Then, along comes pfblogs.org. (We all know that isn’t quite accurate. Actually, along came pfblogs.xxx and then came pfblogs.org.) Anyway, it turns out that http://www.pfblogs.org is the ONLY way to keep up on PF blog sites. They aggregate a TON and the interface is very nice. So nice, in fact, that they even put a little star next to some of the blogs………
Looks like you got one ;) But what does it mean?
The pfblogs.xxx site sounds interesting. Kind of like the “priceless” commercial below with pf bloggers instead of “actors” and an extended unrated scene. Wait, maybe that’s not such a good idea.
Things that make you go Hmmmm.
I too wonder what the star means? Is it some reward for linking to pfblogs.org.
The .com version is ok too, at first the ads bothered me (they are essentially profiting from the work we all put in our blogs.) Then I j
When you move your cursor over the star it says “friend of pfblogs.org”, so I’m assuming it’s some sort of linking/mentioning reward.
Thanks for the mention!
FMF’s got it. From the FAQ:
Why are some blogs listed with a star?
These blogs are Friends of pfblogs.org. In order to become a Friend, a blogger should write an entry discussing pfblogs.org and include a permanent link to pfblogs.org somewhere on their blog template. This button is available for you to use.
In other words, a little incentive for helping spread the word. On the main page, the star is also a direct link to the blog.
I think I may have to switch! .org links me but i’m still being ignored by .com
pfblogs.org links me, and I love it. However, it has become kind of hit and miss. Sometimes after I put up a new post, I check over there and within a half an hour my post it up. Other times, it doesn’t show at all, but if you click on my site on the right hand column my new post is there. Anyone else experience this? Anyone know how to resolve it?
I think it may have to do with the sheer number of blogs they are aggregating. I’ve noticed that a post to my site might only be on the front site for a half hour and I’m guessing that, if there are a lot of sites that update within the same half hour, some posts might roll to the second page.
Congratulations on your star! I think I’ve gotten more traffic from PFblogs.org.
To LA Money Gui: If you’re post doesn’t appear to be showing, check the time you put it up. You get penalized two hours for post-dating (timing) your post. I often blog late into the night so I can have something post-dated for folks to read at 8am with their morning coffee, so it doesn’t show immediately.