I was excited to see JLP’s post (AllThingsFinancial) on what Oprah is doing with her friday shows. She calls it the Debt Diet. She is profiling families who are in debt and in need of help. You can view each of the families profiles on her website:
The Bradleys:
The Egglestons:
The Widlunds:
My hope is that this attention to a significant problem in our country will inspire others to start taking control. One thing about all of the families was how much the financial problems impacted their marriages. I’ve seen this in friends before. The pressures of bad financial management take over the family and just tear it apart. I hope these families can turn the corner. I’m struck by how ignorant they are about managing their money. It’s almost like an addiction, and seems to be one person in the family that brings the rest down.
Oprah has also brought in a few familiar faces to help these families. David Bach, Jean Chatzky, and Glinda Bridgforth. Each of them will work with one family to try and help them overcome the spending and execute their plans.
Look for these shows every Friday on Oprah. (I guess I might have to watch Oprah once in awhile now, but please don’t tell my friends. You just can’t get any respect at the poker table when everyone knows you are a guy who watches Oprah)
The Egglestons page is sponcered by VISA. How wrong is that?
I don’t watch Oprah (talk shows just aren’t my thing) but I say good for her. She’s got a tremendous amount of influence. She got lots of folks to read by starting her book club, maybe she’ll be able to do the same thing in the financial arena.