Well, here it is February. The holiday season is over and the debt hangover is finally taking shape. Holy smokes! You spent a lot of money on presents this year. Well, there’s only one way to overcome this hangover. Save LOTS of money on things. With all of the money you’ll save with these groundbreaking ideas, you are sure to pull yourself up and out of debt just in time for next year’s shopping season. So, without further ado:
Save a Bunch of Money on your Car Insurance
Now, before you call the gecko, let me explain. Car insurance is for suckers. In fact, owning your own car is just plain crazy. Here’s what you do. You know that friend of yours that has three cars, but only has two drivers? Think of him as an opportunity! Stop by his place and offer to take him to dinner. Nothing fancy. Just a burrito, or a burger is fine. (Obviously, make him drive). Once dinner is over, ask him if he’d mind if you drive his extra car once in awhile. Point out that letting a car sit so much is bad on the tires. The fluids in the engine need to circulate in order to be effective. Trust me, he’ll bite. (Hint: It never hurts to smile a lot during the dinner. I’ve found that can really lighten the mood)
Stop Buying Items from People Who Come to Your Door
Attention: Things that are sold door to door tend not to be the best value around. Magazine subscriptions? If you buy them from some kid at your door, you should be able to claim them as a donation on your taxes. $35 for a magazine subscription? Instead, send half that amount to the Katrina fund and then just go pick up a Little Nickel Classified Ad near the door at your local grocery store. Every now and then you can find someone that has put in a really funny ad! “For Sale: My tractor. It’s old, it’s broke but it still looks real perty. $4000.â€
Stop all Newspaper Subscriptions Now
Okay. You’ve got a couple choices here. Have you ever noticed that when you go out and pick up your paper in your driveway, that your neighbors all have papers in their driveway too? Now, before you get all morally sound on me, hear me out. This is where you can take the high road, or the low road. I don’t endorse either method. Don’t try to sue me if it doesn’t work out. Option 1: Rather than get your own paper, just get up extra early. (I’m talking 4:30 am). Grab your neighbor’s paper, read it and have it back in their driveway by 6:30. Times can vary depending on your neighbor’s habits. Option 2: Just take the paper all together. It seems like half the time they never read it anyway. (Note: This might not work out very well because sooner or later they’ll realize they have been paying for the paper but haven’t received it. It’s your call. If they are out of control on their spending, aka the Jones’, they may not even notice). Now there is a third option, but it’s not for the faint of heart. If your community recycles, you are looking at a goldmine. On garbage day, once all your neighbors have put out their recycling bins, take a wheelbarrow around and just grab the papers you want. Don’t worry about the news being old. In the old days it took weeks for people to hear about newsworthy events. You are waaaay ahead of them. Statistically, there are probably AT LEAST three different newspapers being delivered to different houses on your street. That’s a lot of reading. You may not even have time for all of them.
Turn Off All your Lights
You know what? We just simply use too much electricity. 60 watts to light up the area you are in? Most of the world gets by with a lot less. You can save a TON of money if you simply quit turning on your lights in your house. Candles can be found VERY cheap at Walmart, Target, or other discount stores. I recommend just leaving the candles burning during those times that you absolutely need light, such as while you are cooking with hot pans, or slicing an onion with a very sharp knife. You get the picture. Again, it’s a judgment call on your part. If you use Ginzu knives, I’d recommend two candles. I think you’ll find mornings are when this strategy really starts to pay dividends. Have you ever woke up in the morning and turned on a light, only to be blinded by the near overpowering effects of 1, 2, or 3 60 watt light bulbs? It takes valuable seconds off your life as your eyes adjust to light. Good news. You won’t have that problem if you implement this simple candle strategy. (Bonus: You’ll feel warm and fuzzy taking a shower in a lovely candle lit room.)
Well, those are just a few of the many strategies you can implement to save yourself a ton of money. Go ahead. Try them out. Something tells me you’ll be back real soon looking for the next installment of “Money Saving Tips from ELYMâ€.
One of my bosses IM’d me yesterday and we were talking about potential lean company times…he said “Heat makes you drowsy, candlelight is romantic, and who needs 3 meals a day anyway” ;)
How about read your news online instead of ‘borrowing’ your neighbors paper?
and while you’re at it, food is really just an overrated luxury. just take a multivitamin! ;)
I’ve actually used those great money saving tips. I have to advise, it’s not for the careless. One morning I was driving my friends unused car home and I was feeling good with my 35 bucks in cash that I saved not subscribing to those magazine and newspaper solicitors. I figured I would tell my friend that I borrowed his car as soon as I got home. I pulled up around 4 O’clock in the AM, just in time to “borrow” my neighbors paper for a quick read. While I was reading it by the candle light, the paper caught fire! And I accidentally threw is down onto my 35 bucks in cash, that was on fire too! Luckily I used my neighbors hose to put it out in time. Oh, one thing you missed is using the neighbors hose for free water, showers never felt better! While caught up in this savings fiasco, I totally forgot to tell my friend that I was borrowing his car. Luckily enough, the police showed up at my door to remind me. I then explained my unique new savings plan. Not everyone understands the great trend setters at first…
I may have to rethink this. I didn’t anticipate a house fire. It’s always best to get your friend to sign a document stating you have all legal rights to his car. Of course, sometimes, if they aren’t great friends, you will have trouble getting that kind of support. :)
lol! I love it….