Okay. I’ll admit it. I have a price. As much as I like living in my house, it’s just a house. Something to maintain and hopefully help me increase my net worth with equity over time. This lady really likes her house. How much, you ask? A LOT. Check out this article. She pretty much told the developer to go screw himself. Her view is definitely going to change now though. Might feel a little clausterphobic.
No secret that I would have taken the money and ran. The big difference is that she’s in her 80’s and I’m in my 30’s.
In a post-Kelo legal envirnoment, I’m sure the developer is looking at other options now.
This is so ridiculous its not funny… why she wouldnt take the money and have free health care is totally beyond me. I can understand it has some personal emotion tied to it but come on… why would you want to live between a shopping complex???!??