Hey. Have you considered subscribing to my FEED?
I’m having a big sale today. Subscribe to my FEED and get another feed from another blog for FREE! (Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone that all these feeds are free or it doesn’t sound all that enticing.)
Anyway, I’m all hooked up on Feedburner. You can subscribe to my FEED here!
Thanks againg for stopping by. I really appreciate you visiting. I’m having fun with ELYM and hope that you get a bit of entertainment out of it once in awhile. (Because, honestly, I know it can get a bit dry sometimes.)
great choice of pic ;)
Okay, did it. Now where’s my free feed? ;)
Here you go Fivecent:
Don’t spend it all in one place!! :)
Gee, thanks… By the way, those guys aren’t eatin $7,000 hot dogs in the picture above, are they?