From the, “Thought I’d heard it all” department:
I guess it’s not too hard to see why people are having trouble finding money to invest when they are paying someone thousands of dollars to put up and take down their Christmas decorations. Isn’t half the point of having Christmas decorations, going through the ritual of actually putting them up?
No, the sole point of having Christmas decorations is to show off your wealth. So paying someone to put up the lights are surely part of the ritual.
I read that some homeowner’s associations have very strict rules about lights (even requiring them) and some even require that they be professionally done. I think it is a waste of money…
I once put up christmas lights for an older lady in our community… part of a church youth group thing.
Just a tree and a few wreaths.. no big deal. In that case, it’s cool to have someone else help you out. But to pay someone just so you can show off…stupid! I was watching the white house christmas tree special the other day, and I was thinking…what a waste of money. The same with all these decorations throughout our cities. with the energy crunch, people should think of more productive ways to spend our tax dollars…silly
it’s a great holiday money making seasonal job when youIre in high school. I did it for a number of year and cleared several thousand dollars when I was that age. Lots of people too lazy to do it themselves.
I can definitely see how it would be convenient for elderly folks, etc. who want to join in the Christmas cheer to pay a neighborhood kid to string lights, but to pay a landscaping company $1,500 to light up your McMansion? Ugh.
That is ridiculous… I don’t even want to buy the lights in the first place, haha
A better business idea would be to charge to take DOWN people’s christmas lights. Imagine how many impatient housewives and househusbands would pay for that….
I know, because I love putting up lights but hate taking them down. Last time I put up lights I took them down in JUNE. =P