I was going to try to say something smart tonight but I realized that I let my company suck all the words out of me today. I guess I’ll just sit here and seek out other’s words.
On a separate note, I did get another raise. (Second one in 2 months). Last time was a 10% raise. This time it’s another 5%, although it may be temporary, as I’m filling in for someone. Oh well. I’ll take every bit I can get. That helps me jump up to almost 30% surplus income after all investments and bills are paid. I guess I better start trying to figure out something smart to do with this money.
I’m anxiously awaiting the $300K net worth mark. By my calculations, I’ll probably hit it some time in the first quarter unless the stock market and real estate market flatten out. I’ll cross my fingers.
And, in the spirit of rambling: Is it just me, or are the personal finance blogs multiplying faster these days? I’m having trouble keeping up. I did find a new site that is trying to collect as many of these sites as possible. It’s at: http://www.moneyandfinancenews.com
Check it out!
congrats on the raise Hazzard!