While browsing Pinterest the other day I saw this post where Bob Lotich, owner of Christian Personal Finance, sold all of his junk and walked away with $2,145 in one month!
I was inspired to see how much I could make by giving my house a deep clean and really decluttering. Instead of trying sell all of my items in one place I started researching where I could get the most bang for my buck.
Here’s what I’ve come up with.
Brand Name Clothing – ThredUp
Ever since I discovered ThredUp more than a year ago I’ve bought almost all of my clothes exclusively from them. ThredUp is online consignment shop that sells only high quality, second hand clothing.
They also buy your name brand clothing (in good condition) from you. I ordered a free bag from their site and stuffed to the brim with all of my nicer clothes as well as jeans that no longer fit either of my daughters.
Old Cell Phones – U Sell
I have quite a few old cell phones laying around I never knew what to do with. Do I save them? Toss them in the trash? Let my kids play with them? I don’t know. So I just kept ahold of them.
Then I did some research and found U Sell, a place that will buy your old cell phones from you. The two I have to get rid of were both quoted around $50.
That’s a pretty easy hundred bucks!
Books – Book Scouter
I had a few books left over from my last yard sale. They’ve since been sitting in my closet collecting dust.
They’re in good condition so I didn’t want to just throw them away, but I’ve been procrastinating on actually getting rid of them. Then I found Book Scouter through Bob’s article.
With Book Scouter you can enter the ISBN of the book you want to sell and Book Scouter will pull up the websites that will pay you the most money for your books.
Laptops & Tablets – eCycle Best
I have terrible luck with laptops, which is really my fault for always going with the cheapest model. I go through one laptop a year. (I’m now saving to get a MacBook though!)
I have two crappy laptops sitting on my office shelf. I plugged the model numbers into eCycle best and was offered $93 for one of these laptops and free recycling for the other.
I’m gonna take their offer!
You can also sell or recycle Tablets through eCycle.
Kids Clothing/Miscellaneous Small Items – Facebook Yard Sales
For small items like kids clothing, housewares, and inexpensive furniture Facebook Yard Sales are the way to go.
I’ve had so much success with Facebook Yard Sales and swear by them for fast sales! I have quite a few kids’ electronics that I’m going to offload this way.
Large Furniture – Craigslist
Craigslist – an oldie but a goody. Craigslist is the perfect way to sell large furniture and more expensive items.
The only downside is dealing with all the incoming texts and phone calls from people who have no intention of actually buying from you. I guess that’s just part of the game!
If you’re looking to earn some extra cash (and have a cleaner house) give some of these sites a try. I’ll let you know how much in total I end up earning toward the end of the month!
Are there any sites you’d add to this list?